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dic 29, 2022
Curricular Axis; Curricular area; Educational Guidance; School text; Eighth grade.


We report on the Orientation Curricular Domains and Axes promoted in the activities declared in the History, Geography, and Social Sciences school textbook, of eighth grade, 2021. The method used was mixed, the observation technique, and a matrix as an instrument of data research. The presence of all the Orientation Curricular Domains and Axes is confirmed. The most frequently promoted axis was Interpersonal Relations (33.3%), followed by Management and Projection of Learning (32.9%) and Belonging and Democratic Participation (18.5%). The least promoted axes were Personal Growth (10.2%), and Well-Being and Self-Care (5.1%).  The most promoted curricular areas are "Equality and Dignity" (49) and Understanding that the community has an identity (27). The least are "Longing" (2) and "Well-being and Self-care" (3).

It is concluded that the frequencies of activities and questions are low in each of the Curricular Domains and Axis.

Ingrid Bonilla Opazo; Alejandro Sepúlveda Bonilla Opazo
How to Cite
Bonilla Opazo, I. B. O. A. S. (2022). Presence of the Orientation Curricular Areas and Axes in the activities of History, Geography, and Social Sciences school textbook eighth grade. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 36(70), 50–69. Retrieved from

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