Contenido principal del artículo
jun 30, 2020
This article analyzes the short stories "La copia" by José Santos González Vera and "Una moneda al río" by Nicomedes Guzmán by identifying the function of trajectories and displacements present in them. In the act of thinking their own materiality as writing, these stories overflow and reorient the logics and temporalities which fix them as archives within their historic time. They thus alter and disorganize the regimes of the sensible associated with the primacy of the human, in order to create material assemblages that blur the sturdiness of the barriers between the organic and the inorganic, between dead matter and vibrant life. Rather than trying to reproduce a social itinerary in abstract or definitive terms, these short stories open questions regarding the materiality and obsolescence of the artistic medium, as well as questions about the present in which they take place.
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