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oct 1, 2024
Comprehensive education
Educational guidance
Technical Professional Secondary Education


This article deals with the process of incorporating the subject of philosophy into the technical professional high school education curriculum in the context of the curricular reform implemented in our country starting in 2020. Based on the results of the analysis of ministerial documents of the EMTP and the conduction of interviews to teachers of philosophy serving in different technical professional establishments. From this, it was possible to demonstrate the formative potential of philosophy, from the skills inherent to its teaching, such as self–reflection, critical thinking, and dialogue, and its entire agreement with educational guidance, in terms of a process inherent to education and as a subject​.

Antuyeli Mardones Mena
How to Cite
Mardones Mena, A. (2024). Towards a philosophy of guidance: Reflections on the formative contribution of the subject of philosophy. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 39(73). Retrieved from


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