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Oct 8, 2019
Keywords: university students; self-perception; learning strategies; self-regulated learning.


Aprender en la universidad es una línea de investigación iniciada en 2007 y en desarrollo. Para estudiar el aprender en funcionamiento se emplea el Inventario de concepciones y experiencias de aprender en la universidad (INCEAPU1), que en este artículo se presenta en sus fundamentos, estructura y aplicaciones. Se analizaron los datos en tres cohortes de alumnos de cinco carreras (UNCuyo, Argentina y UFRJ, Brasil), según: autopercepción de competencia para aprender (aprendo fácilmente/con dificultad), tramo (inicial/final), carrera e institución. Los resultados muestran que concepciones, procesos, estrategias, personalidad, atribuciones causales y factores intrapersonales, contextuales y académicos, permiten identificar desde la perspectiva del estudiante, aspectos funcionales y disfuncionales al aprender y recuperarlos para orientar un aprendizaje autorregulado.


 Learning at university is a research line started in 2007 and currently under development. The purpose of the Inventory of Learning Conceptions and Experiences at University (ILCEU) is to study the learning process under operation and this paper presents its foundations, structure and applications. It was applied to three student cohorts in five courses of studies (UNCuyo, Argentina and UFRJ, Brazil), and data were analyzed according to course of study, institution and learning competence self-perception (I learn easily/It is difficult for me to learn). The results show that conceptions, processes, strategies, personality, causal attributions, and intrapersonal contextual and academic factors allow to identify –from the student’s perspective– functional and dysfunctional learning aspects and use them as a basis to work on a self-regulated learning.




Ida Lucía Morchio
How to Cite
Ida Lucía Morchio. (2019). Inventario de concepciones y experiencias de aprender en la Universidad (INCEAPU): Inventory of conceptions and experiences of learning at the University (INCEAPU). Revista De Orientación Educacional, 28(53), pp. 77–96. Retrieved from

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