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dic 23, 2021
Vocational guidance, Perception, Vocational counselor


Vocational guidance is a discipline not well explored in Mexico, the work, objectives and functions of the vocational counselor are not so clear in the daily life of this discipline. Adding to this the importance that it entails in such an important decision that the student has to make, its importance is enhanced. This should help the student to be able to know himself, in addition to the knowledge of his context and as a result, be able to make the best decision. From the above, the need arises to know the perception that students have of the vocational counselor, for which we worked with natural semantic networks (RSN) considering that they are a form of knowledge representation, which manages to maintain the relationship between the processes of acquisition and forgetting of information, as well as a powerful instrument for the study of meaning.

In relation to the results in the values ??of the SAM set, the word “help” was found first, which is interesting because it is congruent with the great diversity of the orientation concept due to the fact that the vast majority of the proposed concepts by orientation theorists this term in a very general way is perceived it in a positive way.

Regarding the analysis by sex, in the SAM and M value sets it was found that there are eight semantic categories in which they agreed to define the psychologist as a counselor, perceiving him as a person who helps, guides, understands that he is kind, responsible, advises, is useful but it is also sanctioning, it can be observed in terms of the M value that men describe it more as sanctioning and scolding.

Dra. Irma Isabel Ortiz Valdéz,
How to Cite
Ortiz Valdéz, D. I. I. (2021). ¿Cómo perciben los jóvenes al orientador vocacional?. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 35(67), 44–62. Retrieved from

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