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dic 23, 2021
Parents - families - head teacher - student - school


The aim of the following research was to describe the role of the headteacher based on the parent's opinions in a private school in Valparaiso. Methodologically, it is framed in a qualitative study, with a phenomenological approach, and case study method in order to obtain truthful information from the point of view of the people involved. To collect the information, an interview script was designed, based on pre-determined categories and subcategories, which were constructed with a review of the literature related to the themes of family, school, and head teacher and was validated through expert judgment. The results show that the role of the head teacher is fundamental as he / she is an educational agent that not only influences the school learning of children and youth. The head teacher additionally has the responsibility of shaping and accompanying his/her students in their social, psychological, and emotional development, all of which are urgent and necessary areas for an effective and comprehensive education.

Paola García Pasten
How to Cite
García Pasten, P. . (2021). The role of the headteacher from the parents’ perspective. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 35(67), 63–84. Retrieved from

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