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dic 29, 2022
orientation, education, phenomenology, focusing, philosophy of the implicit, experiencing, living-knowledge, felt-sense, felt-meaning


This article proposes the philosophy of Eugene T. Gendlin, for the praxis of Educational Orientation. The present work uses the phenomenological method of the author. In methodological terms, the felt-sense determines felt-meaning, capable of transcending conceptual patterns in the practice of orientar. The sense of this proposal is to offer gnoseological support for the scientific discipline called Educational Orientation. That support gnoseological just mentioned includes Totality. This Totality establishes that the mind and the body do not exist separately. The body feels the situations of life and the cosmos, without any exclusion. From the philosophy of the implicit, the body is a cosmic system. At the same time, the cosmos and nature inextricably include the implicit. The "implicit" is not something fixed and neither it is "something" representable, which does allow every human being to access a greater sensation of being alive.

Jaime Cavada Dueñas
How to Cite
Cavada Dueñas, J. . (2022). Philosophy of orientation in Gendlin: a philosophy for educational orientation. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 36(70), 19–29. Retrieved from

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