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oct 2, 2024
Classroom environment
educational psichology
peaceful coexistence


This research aims to understand the actions implemented by coexistence teams in Chilean educational establishments and their results during the pandemic. The scientific interest lies in exploring this work modality within the context of confinement. The research was conducted from a qualitative perspective with a descriptive design and a phenomenological approach. To this end, an open-ended interview was applied to coexistence teams in educational establishments in the Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitan, and Araucanía regions, with a total of 40 educational establishments participating. A content analysis was conducted. Among the results obtained, the actions implemented by the coexistence teams with the greatest impact were identified, among which socio-emotional work with students stands out as essential, and those with the least impact were the incorporation of these themes into the curriculum. The conclusions highlight the innovation and flexibility that had to be implemented when responding to the needs that arose in this context, as well as a much more comprehensive view of students.

Marcelo Arraño Muñoz
Paulina Rebeca Herrera
Catalina Jara Ivanovi
How to Cite
Arraño Muñoz, M., Rebeca Herrera, P., & Jara Ivanovi, C. (2024). School Coexistence in Times of Pandemic: Actions of the Coexistence Teams of the Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitan and Araucanía Regions. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 39(73). Retrieved from


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