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Dec 29, 2023
life plan
family income
personal factors
high school students



     This article examines the life plans of high school students. The objective is to determine and analyze the factors that influence the construction of students’ life plans, particularly among third and fourth-year high school students from three educational institutions (private, semi-private, and public schools) in three municipalities in the Region of Valparaíso. Quantitative descriptive methods with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design were used. A semi-structured survey was administered online through accidental sampling. Results indicate that 60.5% of the students consider having a healthy family economy (family income) is essential for achieving personal and family goals. Additionally, 72.5% of the students believe motivation (a personal/social factor) to be a crucial requirement when for goal attainment. In conclusion, according to the students' opinions, the factors determining the construction of their life plans include both material and immaterial aspects, with significant emphasis placed on parental support and intrinsic motivation.

Sebastián Farías Figueroa
Alejandro Sepúlveda Obreque
How to Cite
Farías Figueroa, S., & Sepúlveda Obreque, A. (2023). Factors that influence the construction of the life project: opinion of high school students. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 38(72), 92–109. Retrieved from


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