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ene 23, 2020
Escritura -Decodificación- Sistema representacional- Lectura



Of the quality of the Education Agency (2017) gives an account of insufficient learning related to reading comprehension in the Chilean second foundation year students. Thus, supported these findings, emerges in the year 2017, the 'National Leo First Plan'. In this context, the objective of this research is to know if the mentioned reading Plan considers the process of acquisition of alphabetic writing, its theoretical perspective and how manifest such aspects in the approaches of the curricular bases for basic education and preschool. The study of descriptive character, considered a sample formed by the texts of the documents already referred to and as a unit of analysis the 'statement', understood as a linguistic unit of written communication with a sense. The results left in evidence that the acquisition of writing takes a secondary place, his theoretical approach is not made explicit and is associated with mechanical processes whose success decoding whose success would depend on the methods employing teachers in acquiring it. 

Dra. Silvia Rail Cornejo
How to Cite
Dra. Silvia Rail Cornejo. (2020). Adquisición de la escritura en el marco del ‘plan nacional lee primero 2017-2021’ y las bases curriculares para educación básica y parvularia: Acquisition of the writing in the framework of the ‘read first 2017-2021 national plan’ and the curricular bases for basic and preschool education. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 33(64). Retrieved from

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