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sept 2, 2019
Keywords: student welfare; adolescence; self-esteem; self-efficacy; depression.


El objetivo principal de este estudio se basa en analizar las relaciones del bienestar psicológico con autoestima, autoeficacia, malestar psicológico y síntomas depresivos en adolescentes. Metodológicamente, se ajusta a una investigación no experimental transversal correlacional – causal, con una muestra de 188 adolescentes entre edades comprendidas entre 12 a 15 años, se emplearon instrumentos de recolección de datos de tipo autoinforme. A modo de resultados, se presentan correlaciones significativas entre el bienestar psicológico y las variables estudiadas, a saber: relaciones positivas con autoestima y autoeficacia, e inversamente con malestar psicológico y síntomas depresivos. De igual forma, el análisis de regresión lineal arrojó que la autoestima y la autoeficacia predicen significativamente el bienestar, teniendo mayor influencia el primero. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de acuerdo al sexo en los niveles de autoestima concretamente mayor en el sexo masculino, en cambio mayores niveles de malestar psicológico y sintomatología depresiva en el sexo femenino.


The main objective of this study is based on analyzing the relationships of psychological well-being with self-esteem, self-efficacy, psychological distress and depressive symptoms in adolescents. Methodologically, it was adjusted to a correlational - causal cross - sectional non - experimental investigation, with a sample of 188 adolescents between the ages of 12 to 15 years, using self - report data collection instruments. By way of results, significant correlations between psychological well-being and the variables studied are presented, it has: positive self-esteem and self-efficacy relationships, and inversely with psychological distress and depressive symptoms. Similarly, the linear regression analysis showed that self-esteem and self-efficacy significantly predict well-being, with the former having a greater influence. Significant differences were found according to sex in the levels of self-esteem specifically higher in the male sex, however higher levels of psychological distress and depressive symptomatology in the female sex. Keywords: student welfare; adolescence; self-esteem; self-efficacy; depression


Diego García Álvarez, María José Soler, Rubia Cobo Rendón
How to Cite
Diego García Álvarez, María José Soler, Rubia Cobo Rendón. (2019). Bienestar psicológico en adolescentes: relaciones con autoestima, autoeficacia, malestar psicológico y síntomas depresivos: Psychological well-being in adolescents: relationships with self-esteem, self-efficacy, psychological discomfort and depressive symptoms. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 33(63), pp. 23–43. Retrieved from

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