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Aug 15, 2021
Fall behind
College Drop out
Psichological determinants
Quantitative Analysis


This article makes an analysis of  college  falling behind and drop out rate for Bioengineering Majors in the  National Universityof San Juan. It presents a descriptive and quantitative analysis of a 61 participants sample, who where divided in three different categories: Active students, Perpetual students, and Dropouts. It focuses on a broader study intended to comprehend the psychosocial determinants  of said phenomena utilizing data mining. A quantitative exploratory analysis is then presented, considering  psichological factors asociated with this phenomenon: Resiliance, Confrontation,and Psichological well-being, meassured through a series of standarized tests. First, the group division procedures based on their academic performance is presented. Then the sample is described and the analysis of  the frequency in which each factor affects specific groups. The preliminary results are then showed and suggestions are ponted out for future reaserchers. The ultimate goal is to find distinctive characteristics amongst Perpetual, Active and Dropped out students, as well as analyzing which of the determinants can be influenced by the institution.

María Paula Seminara
How to Cite
Seminara, M. P. . (2021). Psicological determinants for College fall behind and drop out from a quantitative perspective: Resilience, Coping and Psichological well-being. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 34(66), 31–53. Retrieved from

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