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feb 6, 2023
scientific literacy, relevance, competence, didactics


This article exposes results that arise under the interest of investigating, the veracity, if the teachers who teach science in basic education, know, value and put into practice, the entire range of variables that constitute the construct of Scientific Literacy, a concept that it is declared in the national curriculum of Chile, as a promoting agent that encourages the development of scientific thought, which facilitates the understanding of situations and/or phenomena of daily life, and the increase of competences and abilities that allow solving problems of a scientific nature. The methodology used is circumscribed under the dialectical paradigm, in which the conceptions of reality are reflected following the scientific, quantitative and qualitative method (A?lvarez and Gonza?lez, 2017)

The objective was to design and implement a plan, which includes improvement workshops for the application of strategies that strengthen competencies on the importance, management of competencies and didactics of scientific literacy. From the main conclusions it can be deduced that the teachers manifested substantive changes in each of the study variables.

Alicia Angélica Silva Pizarro
How to Cite
Silva Pizarro, A. A. (2023). Science school teachers from the town of Chaitén and their valuation of scientific literacy. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 36(69), 19–39. Retrieved from

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