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feb 6, 2023
online tutoring; school retention; social skills; emotional skills; significance of the school experience.


The Pedagogical Tutoring Program implemented by the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparai?so, UNESCO and the Ministry of Education in the Valparai?so region for 4 months sought to improve skills and the meaning of the school experience of students (10 to 18 years old) at risk of dropping out. the school system, through online tutoring.

The data correspond to the application of a pretest and posttest and a correlation with the sessions carried out. The results show an advance in the achievement of skills, however, this difference is not significantly related to the number of sessions. This research aims to be a contribution and reference for the implementation of future tutorials that develop various skills, both regionally and nationally.

Jessica Medina Pérez
How to Cite
Medina Pérez , J. (2023). Tutoring program. Results in students of Basic and Middle Education in the commune of Valparaíso. Revista De Orientación Educacional, 36(69), 60–74. Retrieved from

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