Contenido principal del artículo
jun 13, 2019
Palabras clave: voz, phoné, análisis acústica, pre-verbal, escritura.
Abstract: Temperatura voz is Mariano Peyrou’s fifth poetry book. Born in Buenos Aires in 1971, he has been living in Madrid since he was 5 years old. This book of his is a very particular one within his trajectory. According to some critics, it was written based on an idea of poetic language related to dodecaphonic music and through a combinatorial model. Thanks to the study of some recordings made for Phonodia project where is possible to listen to the poet’s voice reading aloud, this essay focuses on the physical voice, on the phoné, the preverbal matter of language, considering it as the sound matrix for the particular Peyrou’s poetic writing. Through the analysis of the acoustic signal realised with PRAAT, the essay also shows how the voice of the poet who reads aloud his texts brings to the surface the conflict that occurs between metric and syntactic series. The way in which his voice solves this poetic language specific conflict provides precious information about his writing.
Keywords: voice, phone, acoustic analysis, pre-verbal, writing.
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